
Roasted Tomato Open Faced Sandwich

In collaboration with
Servings 2 portions
Cooking 20 minutes


  • 2 slices of Au Pain Doré Croissant Loaf
  • 6 slices of OKA Classique Cheese, sliced a ¼” thick
  • 24 cherry tomatoes (red or multi-coloured)
  • 2 Tbsp of unsalted butter
  • Fresh basil
  • 1 Tbsp of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


  • Pre-heat your oven to 350°F.
  • Place the cherry tomatoes in a bowl and toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper.
  • Then place them on a baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper. Place the baking tray in the oven for approx. 25-30 minutes. The cherry tomatoes should have reduced in size and begun to caramelize.
  • While the tomatoes are roasting in the oven, spread some butter on both slices of croissant loaf, on both sides.
  • Place a skillet on medium heat and grill the slices of croissant loaf on both sides until golden and toasty all around. Once the bread has been grilled, place on a wire cooling rack until the tomatoes are finished roasting.
  • Once the tomatoes are done, place 3 slices of the OKA cheese on each piece of bread. Top with the roasted tomatoes. You can leave the skins on the tomatoes or remove them once out of the oven.
  • Place the topped slices of croissant loaf on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and place into the oven to thoroughly melt the OKA cheese.
  • Top with the fresh basil and a few grains of coarse salt and pepper. Serve warm while the cheese is melty

French Onion Grilled Cheese

In collaboration with
Servings 3 portions
Cooking 45 minutes


  • 6 slices of Au Pain Dore Croissant Loaf
  • 18 slices (6 per sandwich) of OKA Classique Cheese
  • sliced into approx. 1/8” thick slices
  • 2 large Vidalia or sweet onions
  • 4 Tbsp of unsalted butter
  • 2 Tbsp of olive oil
  • ¼ tsp each salt and pepper



  • Peel onions, cut in half and slice into ¼” thick slices. Separate the layers into pieces in a bowl.
  • Place olive oil into a skillet and heat to medium high.
  • Once the skillet is hot, add in the sliced onions. Continuously stir the onions until they soften, become translucent and have a slight but even brown color. Add salt and pepper.
  • Turn the heat down to low, spread out the onions in the skillet into a single layer.
  • Leave the onions in this single layer to allow them to slowly and gently cook down and caramelize. Then stir the onions every 3-5 minutes to ensure that they caramelize evenly and thoroughly. If you find the onions are sticking slightly, add a tablespoon of water to deglaze.
  • Once the onions have fully caramelized, they will have a deep golden-brown color. As well they will have reduced in volume significantly. Once the onions are done, taste and season as desired.


  • For maximum flavor and texture, we advise to double grill the Croissant Loaf pieces.
  • Begin by buttering one side of all 6 pieces of the Croissant Loaf.
  • Place all 6 pieces in a skillet that has been heated on medium. You may need to do this in 2 batches.
  • Once the bread is golden and toasted, remove the bread from the skillet.
  • Butter the untoasted side of 3 pieces of the bread. Place back in the skillet on low heat, buttered side down, toasted side up.
  • Begin building the sandwich on the toasted side:
    • Place 3 slices of OKA cheese on each slice of bread
    • Divide the caramelized onions between the 3 sandwiches and spread evenly across the cheese.
    • Place 3 more slices of OKA cheese on top of the onion.
    • Butter the untoasted side of the remaining bread. Place on top of the sandwich, buttered side up, toasted side in.
  • Continue grilling the sandwiches until they are golden and toasty, flip and repeat for the top side.
  • Serve warm and melty with a side of beef jus for dipping.

Creamy Sweet Potato and Maple OKA Mash on Toasted Croissant Loaf

In collaboration with
Servings 4 portions
Cooking 45 minutes


  • 4 slices of Au Pain Doré Slice Croissant Loaf
  • 1 large sweet potato
  • 80g Maple OKA Cheese (Shredded)
  • 3 Tbsp Butter
  • ½ cup + 2 Tbsp Cream
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • Sweet potato crisps (optional)


  • Peel the sweet potato and cut into half inch cubes. Place in a pot and cover with cold water to about one inch above the potatoes. Place on medium high heat and boil until the potatoes are fork tender.
  • While the potatoes are boiling make the cheese crisp by taking approximately 20 gr of the shredded cheese and spreading it out on a parchment lined baking sheet. Be sure to spread out evenly. Bake at 350°F until the cheese is completely melted and has formed little bubbles. Set aside to cool.
  • Whip the ½ cup of cream until it forms soft peaks. Lightly season with salt and pepper to taste. Take one sprig of rosemary and bend it in several areas to release its natural oils. Add the whole sprig to the cream and mix lightly scent it. Refrigerate until ready to use.
  • Grill or toast the croissant loaf slices then spread some butter on each slice. Set aside.
  • Once the potatoes are fork tender, drain the water and add the cream and remaining butter. Mash together slightly and then add the remaining 60gr shredded OKA Maple Cheese. Continue to mash until everything is well incorporated. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • While still warm, spoon the sweet potato mash onto each piece of toast.
  • Remove the sprig of rosemary from the chilled cream and top the potatoes with a dollop of the rosemary scented whipped cream.
  • Finnish by garnishing with the cheese crisp, sweet potato crisps and sprig of rosemary.

Maple OKA Croissant Sandwich with Crispy Bacon and Caramelized Apples

In collaboration with
Servings 1 portion
Cooking 45 minutes


  • 2 slices Au Pain Doré Croissant Loaf
  • 3-4 strips of bacon
  • 60g Maple OKA Cheese (shredded)
  • 1 apple (preferably Honey Crisp or Cosmic Crisp)
  • 30g butter
  • 100g granulated sugar


  • Place bacon on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and bake in the oven at 350°F until as crispy.
  • Cut apple into quarters and remove the core. Cut each quarter into 5-6 medium slices.
  • Place a large non-stick pan on medium heat, once the pan is hot, add the sugar and stir constantly until the sugar begins to dissolve and caramelize to a light amber colour.
  • Once the sugar has caramelized, stir in half the butter (15 gr).
  • Carefully add the apples to the caramel and stir to coat. Turn the heat down to low and continue to cook the apples for approximately 5 minutes.
  • Once the apples are done, put the slices on a parchment lined baking sheet. Set aside and allow to cool. Keep the caramel sauce for the garnish.
  • Butter one side of each slice of the croissant loaf. Build your sandwich on the unbuttered side by layering half the cheese, bacon, the other half of cheese and slices of caramelized apple. Grill as you would a grilled cheese.
  • To ensure the cheese has melted, place the sandwich in the oven for about 2-3 min at 350°F.
  • Garnish the sandwich with the remaining caramelized apple slices and the caramel sauce.

Maple OKA Omelette on Croissant Loaf

In collaboration with
Servings 1 portion
Cooking 20 minutes


  • 1 slice Au Pain Doré Croissant Loaf
  • 2 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp cold water
  • 1 Tbsp fresh chives
  • Maple OKA Cheese (shredded)
  • Micro greens to garnish


  • Lightly butter the slice of croissant loaf and grill on low heat to toast. Set aside.
  • Whisk the two eggs and 1 tsp of cold water together until the eggs are completely homogenous and liquid-like. Season with salt and pepper and add the chives.
  • Place a non-stick pan on low heat and melt the remaining butter until it has just begun to bubble.
  • Add the whisked eggs to the pan and using a silicone spatula, move the eggs around the pan in a quick and constant motion. It will almost appear like you are making scrambled eggs.
  • Once the eggs begin to set, stop moving them around and try to distribute the loose/liquid portion of the eggs evenly across the top of the cooked eggs.
  • Place the shredded cheese around the middle of the eggs and begin to quickly fold the eggs over the cheese to create a square. Start with one side, this will create a long edge. Fold the other side to create the second long edge and then finish with the ends.
  • Place on the toasted slice of Croissant Loaf, top with micro greens for garnish and serve right away.

Caramelized Pears with OKA Cheese on Croissant Sticks

In collaboration with
Servings 4 portions
Cooking 30 minutes


  • 3 slices of Au Pain Dore Croissant Loaf
  • 9 slices of OKA Classique Cheese cut into ¼” thick slices
  • 4 Tbsp unsalted butter
  • 3 D’Anjou pears
  • 1 cup of white sugar
  • ¼ cup of pear juice
  • ¼ cup of skinless hazelnuts
  • Fresh rosemary
  • Coarse salt & coarse pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 330°F. Put hazelnuts on a baking tray and toast for 10 -15 minutes until golden. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool. Once cooled, lightly crush so that you have large chunky pieces of hazelnuts.
  • Using half the butter, spread on the Croissant Loaf slices, on both sides.
  • Place a skillet on medium heat and grill the slices of croissant loaf on both sides until golden and toasty. Place on a wire rack to cool.
  • Peel, core, and cut the pears into wedges. Set aside.
  • Heat a pan on medium and added the sugar. Carefully begin caramelizing the sugar to a light caramel color. Once all the sugar has melted and caramelized, carefully de-glaze the sugar with the remaining butter and pear juice.
  • Turn the heat down to medium low and add the pears into the caramel and stir gently. Continue caramelizing the pears until they are tender (but not falling apart) and have a golden caramel color and are slightly translucent.
  • Pour the pears and caramel onto a parchment covered baking sheet to cool. Set aside.
  • Using a serrated knife, cut the slices of Croissant Loaf into sticks width strips. You should be able to get 3 strips per slice. If you would like clean edges all around, cut the crusts off.
  • Place 1 piece of OKA cheese on top of each croissant stick, then top with one piece of caramelized pear. Sprinkle broken hazel nut pieces on top. Garnish with fresh sprigs of rosemary.
  • Finish with a few grains of coarse salt and pepper on each piece.
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